Our Foot Care Membership Packages
We are delighted to be able to offer our patients a selection of foot care membership plans tailored to their specific needs.
Bronze Level
Membership Foot Care Plan-
6 General Foot Care Appointments (Roughly every 8 weeks)
15% Off All Physio Appointments
15% Off Diagnostic Video Gait Analysis
10% Off Foot Care Products
Preferred Appointment Slots
Price Fixed For 12 Months
Silver Level
Membership Foot Care Plan-
9 General Foot Care Appointments (Roughly every 6 weeks)
15% Off All Physio Appointments
15% Off Diagnostic Video Gait Analysis
10% Off Foot Care Products
Preferred Appointment Slots
Price Fixed For 12 Months
Gold Level
Membership Foot Care Plan-
12 General Foot Care Appointments (Roughly every 4 weeks)
15% Off All Physio Appointments
15% Off Diagnostic Video Gait Analysis
10% Off Foot Care Products
Preferred Appointment Slots
Price Fixed For 12 Months
Membership plan is valid for a minimum term of 12 months.
Infinite Podiatry& Physio offers different levels of membership, which are set out in the information sheets provided. The choice of membership plan will determine the monthly cost and any benefits which may apply.
If you wish to change your level of membership or end your membership, you are able to do so at the end of a 12-month period.
Your allocated number of appointments as per your level of membership, must be redeemed within the 12-month period. Members are unable to carry over any unused appointments.
Payment can be made monthly for the duration of the 12 month period or paid in full on the start date of your plan. Monthly payment must be automated via
GoCardless debit card payment.
Your 12-month membership will commence from the date you set up your direct debit mandate via Go Cardless.
Any missed appointments where less than 48 hours-notice has been given will count as one of your membership plan appointments and will therefore be forfeited.
Appointments must be redeemed by the membership plan holder and cannot be transferred to any other person(s).
Any additional general foot care appointments over and above your plan allocation will be chargeable at our standard General Foot Care Follow Up appointment fee.
At the end of the 12-month commitment period, membership will continue autornatically unless you provide us with 30 days notice to withdraw from the
Appointment attendance is conditional on payments to the plan being up to date and your membership current.
In the event of staff absence or annual leave, we may not be able to guarantee your first choice of practitioner.
Infinite Podiatry 8 Physio reserves the right to change the membership fees, however, there will be no increase to your fees for the duration of your 12-month plan.

Corns, Callus, Nail Care & More!
Our Corns, Callus & Nail Care appointments are specially designed to support you with the following:
- Nail cutting
- Thick nails
- Callus
- Corns
- Cracked heels
- Skin conditions such as; athletes foot, sweaty feet (hyperhidrosis), dry skin.
- Diabetes foot care – our Clinical Director has ten years experience in caring for Diabetes Feet, having previously led an acute Diabetic Foot Team. She keeps us all on our toes! Pun absolutely intended.
Common Conditions
Corns are small, hard lumps of dead skin usually found on the soles of your feet or on the tops and tips of toes.
Corns are formed through pressure, often relating to poor footwear choices or deformities such as hammer toes.
Once a corn has formed it needs to be gently and safely removed by a Podiatrist. Over the counter “corn plasters” often contain salicylic acid and commonly cause damage to surrounding skin, sometimes leading to ulceration – take great care if using them.
At Infinite Podiatry we remove corns painlessly with a scalpel. We’ve done this thousands of times, so you can be sure you’re in safe hands. We will also give you lots of advice about how to prevent recurrence of the problem.
Callus is a thickened, hardened area of skin usually found in an area of high pressure and/or friction. Dry skin can contribute to the formation of callus.
The ball of your foot, the tips and sides of toes and heels are common sites for callus. Some people suffer with a condition called Hyperkeratosis, which can cause an unusual proliferation of callus across the whole of the sole of the foot.
Callus can be addressed by the safe use of files and effective creams, and sometimes by changing footwear. Getting the right products for your feet is essential. If the callus is thick, it should be safely and gently removed by a Podiatrist.
At Infinite Podiatry all of our appointments include a big dose of advice to help you prevent or minimise the recurrence of callus. We stock the most effective foot creams and files and can advise you on the most appropriate option for you.
Dry heels can cause discomfort and itching, but are relatively easy to tackle with the right advice. However, in more severe cases dry heels can progress to CRACKED heels, which if left untreated can can heel fissures (deep cracks).
Prevention is better than cure, so if you know you’re prone to dry or cracked heels seeing a Podiatrist regularly can ensure they do not progress to fissures and skin splits.
At Infinite Podiatry we have a range of techniques to reduce the hard skin at your heels and decrease the risk of skin splitting. If the skin has split we also have strategies to keep your feet safe, get the splits healed as soon as possible and give you advice about preventing them from returning. Book in for a Foot Care appointment to get all the benefits of our knowledge.
If you really want to get on top of your dry or cracked heels, booking in for a Luxury Medical Pedicure will ensure they look and feel amazing

Corns, Callus and Cracked Heels
At your First Foot Care appointment your practitioner will spend time understanding your foot problem and how best we can help to Revive your feet. They will take time to read through your medical history and ask you questions to clarify any condition which may affect the treatment or advice we will give you. We may also ask you about your occupation or activities. Our practitioners ensure they care for you as a whole person, not just a pair of feet!
We complete an ultrasound assessment for every new patient, assessing your circulation and how it is impacting on your foot health. Occasionally, this assessment highlights an arrhythmia of the heart and we are then equipped to complete a 6 lead ECG during the appointment. We also carry out a neurological assessment to consider the performance of your nerves. If the results of these assessments raise any concerns, we will discuss these with you and share the results with your GP. with your consent. We will also request any further appropriate investigations.
Once our assessment is complete we’ll start on the good stuff! We will gently cut your nails, reducing the depth of any which have become thickened. We will painlessly reduce callus and remove any corns, addressing any cracked heels and flaking/dry skin.
By the end of your First Appointment you will be armed to the teeth with advice about how to prevent recurrence of your foot problem and how to maintain good foot health. You will be given plenty of opportunity to ask questions and together we will develop a care plan for going forwards. If needed, we will book further appointments before you leave.
We recognise the value of building and maintaining a relationship between patient and practitioner. From this point onwards we commit to ensuring you see the same practitioner at each visit, barring unexpected disaster!
Your practitioner will be familiar with both you and your feet and will adeptly complete your care the way you like it. They will update and reiterate foot care advice, and catch you up on all the gossip!